The West Africa College of Physicians concluded the second diet of exams recently. The faculty of psychiatry declared a pass rate of 13.8% at its part one membership exams (8 of 58 candidates). The faculty of public and community health recorded a 32% pass rate (23 of 70 candidates) Twice every year, candidates from all over the country converge in Ibadan and Lagos for the West Africa college of physician and National post graduate medical college exams respectively, each diet of examinations consisting of written, objective structured clinical exams, picture tests and oral/long case exams as the case may be. It is usually a very grueling and trying time for any candidate with psychological, emotional, financial and sometimes physical consequences. A minimum of sixty thousand naira (#60,000) is paid for each exam attended without consideration of transportation, feeding, and other ancillary expenses incurred. It is funded by the candidate after an initial one time sponsorship by the t...