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Showing posts from August, 2015

How Unfair Can We Be to Jonathan? By Mustapha Abdulrahman

Words they say are cheap and nothing is as sweet as beating up the weeping boy as all, including weaklings suddenly gain strength and bury their own weaknesses in the collective attack. Unfortunately, it bellies current failures and provide a ready platform for discuss even when we know the lie in it. No situation affords the above assertion better expression than what has become the order of the day in casting former President Goodluck Jonathan in bad light; selling him as a total failure even in the face of realities. We know that the heart does not lie but the tongue is deceitful; so one wonders why even respected men choose to live the lie because that is the vogue. Examples to prove the point are legion and glaring for which one would have been tempted to gloss over them except for the fact that Nigerians have started acting too early as if we are suffering from collective amnesia on the issue of Jonathan’s performance given the circumstances. Most painful is the fact that w...

Leading Without Reading, Culled from EDDIE IROH's INTERVENTION on ThisDay Newspaper

Before someone accuses me of plagiarism, let me quickly acknowledge that the above title is an adaptation from a segment of Richard Quest’s CNN programme QUEST MEANS BUSINESS dedicated to Reading for Leading where he interviews business, political and other leaders on what books they are reading at the time. And let me quickly observe that there was not one of those questioned by Quest over the years who was not reading a book or more at any given time. But the issue I am raising here is totally germane to our society and the nature of its many troubles. It deals with how we update and nourish our minds in a world of constant change and increasingly challenging new knowledge. It is my belief that education is what is left after you have collected your certificate, diploma or degree or even PhD. The question then is what is left after what is left? I dare say that without further efforts at personal growth through reading, what is left is what I call progressive illiteracy. That is w...


Introduction Criminal procedure in Nigeria is governed by two principal legislations which were handed down to us by the British Colonial Administration, namely: the Criminal Procedure Act (CPA)1 and the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC)2. Each state in Nigeria has either adopted the CPA or the CPC. These laws have been applied for many decades without significant improvement. As a result, the criminal justice system has lost its capacity to respond quickly to the needs of the society to check the rising waves of crime, speedily bring criminals to book and protect the victims of crime. The ACJA2015 responds to Nigeria’s dire need of a new legislation that will transform the criminal justice system to reflect the true intents of the Constitution and the demands of a democratic society, eliminate unacceptable delays in disposing of criminal cases and improve the efficiency of criminal justice administration in the country. Indeed the Buhari Administration should urgently commence the imp...