The history of Nigeria is one characterized by multiple fits, starts and staccatos. Ours is a chequered history with continual disruptions by both military and civilian administrations. Successive military juntas, heralding a messianic dawn truncated whatever tranquil, stability and policy direction there was in a bid to 'move' the nation forward. Each one came to right some apparent 'wrong' perpetrated by the governments of the day. A messianic zeal and desire for the elusive eldorado, reinforced by an internal restlessness, impatience and intolerance of the masses accounts for the constant impetuousness to see the back of successive governments. Such changes were usually attended by wild street jubilations, rejoicing and anticipation of the new dawn- Uhuru! The history of disruptions isn't limited to the military administrations alone. A case in study was the Yar'Adua administration of 2007 -2011. A conniving, and vengeful administration not only put a ...