There is very little doubt that our Healthcare system is in crisis. There is near total collapse of the system with a complete loss of confidence by the citizenry, the patients, as well as its workers. With mortality indices soaring to the high heavens, poor to non-existent Primary health Care, a disenfranchised and poorly motivated workforce, mass exodus of personnel, poor and obsolete training and pedagogic methods, failure of government to recognize the pivotal role of healthcare to the wealth of a nation and general lassitude of the political class to effect a change, there is little doubt about the urgency of the matter…. Our politicians have resorted to ‘travelling out’ at the slightest medical ailment, not just because they could, but because there is absolutely no faith in the system. Unfortunately they are prime culprits in the near collapse of the system. Everyone seems at a loss or totally uninterested to reverse this decadence. Like the power sector, there is a lot of confu...